Jordan Whelan – Manchester Giants
Posted by Okami Sport onJordan got into basketball from as young age due to his dad being a coach and his mum was a pro basketballer and in Cameroon international, so it runs in the family.
“I’ve always been around basketball from a very early age, probably since I could walk.” Jordan started playing/learning properly when he was around 6 years old here in Manchester.
Having just recently returned to Manchester Giants Jordan has found it great coming back home playing in familiar environments, but the only thing missing is the fans, family and friends not being at games right now. “I’ll look forward to next season, but the support has still been there from a distance and through social media, which has been awesome”
Due to last year’s complications with COVID, Jordan said basketball has definitely helped with his well-being a lot, not only keeping physically fit through this time but also have something to focus on. “I’ve been fortunate enough to interact with my team mates on a daily basis. I’ve been really lucky trough this time and will never take what I do for granted, it’s changed my whole approach and work ethic.”
How is it important to grow basketball in Manchester/ the UK?
The sport is rapidly growing in the UK both at the professional level, the talent is at its best ever and grass and roots more kids are getting involved.
There’s no reason why basketball can’t be huge in the UK, a lot of people follow leagues like the NBA and don’t realise that there is a lot to watch live here in your nearby cities, it just needs more promotion and recognition... Sky Sports are involved with live coverage now and clubs are taking more responsibility filling out the stands for every game.
The rebranded Manchester Giants is going to be a really exciting scene once fans are allowed back in. It’s definitely not an evening to miss!
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