Lee Reeves – Professional boxer
Posted by Okami Sport on
Lee’s been training at Championsgymlanzarote for nearly 12 months now with ex pro boxer Jonathan O’Brien (@championsgymlanzarote)
“When I’m not training hard in Limerick I’m training in the sun of Lanzarote, I’m very blessed and Jonathan is a really good coach, he pushes you to your limits and gets the most out of you on days you don’t feel your best”
Recently, Lee flew to Columbia for 2 fights, winning them both in the early rounds, one being first minuet of the first round!
“It was a mad experience to say the least! I never thought I’d be stuck completely alone in Columbia with no one speaking English”. It had been a year since his last fight and was ready for his comeback, so he ignored all the potential obstacles and dangers and focused on what he had to do in the ring. “I knew how I was feeling in my conditioning, and I knew no matter what happened outside the ring, no guy was lasting with me inside it.”
After winning his first fight he felt relaxed and relieved and ready for the plane ride home. “My promoter called me, and I was giving it the big confident fella, saying ill fight again right now” Then his promoter told him there was another show on the Wednesday and Lee can fight again, but this opponent will be much tougher than his previous fight. “I had to man up so I told him if he could get me a translator so I can get around for food and the fight I would fight no problem”. He accepted the fight, the translator unfortunately never turned up, but Lee fought again in a much more hostile environment. “It was my first time against a tough opponent, but thankfully he got smashed as well”.
Lee is also an ambassador for the Limerick treaty Suicide prevention (@treatysuicideprevention) which is a team of volunteers who are trained in many ways to first aid, river rescue to assist and intervention training. Their job is to patrol the bridges in Limerick most evenings until late at night, giving support and security to people in distress, “Suicide is a real pandemic in the world, you just don’t see it on the news, our team are trained to keep an eye out for people who could be feeling suicidal, know how to speak to them and relax them and get them the help they need.
The next step for Lee is that he is hoping to fight in the UK in the next 4 weeks, just waiting for confirmation. “My future is bright; I’m working very hard for it all so hopefully stay busy fighting, put on some great performances for my fans and fight fans and get a great quality of life through boxing”
Instagram - @lee_reeves_boxer
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